
There is no line for sky, none for sea, 
White against white.
Ethereal bright,
Bereft of any mark,

Dispels the dark.
Pure as snowy shrouds
Fallen on emerald boughs.

Nature mourned the curse of humanity,
Death upon death,
Writhed to catch a breath. 
Still! Moon and morning stars, 

Sing from afar.
Oh! The hearts He saved,
Sin, mangled and betrayed.

In His Law, by His Blood, sins’ atone. 
Golden array,
Splits the night from day, 
No will but to obey.

Season's display: 
Sun leans away, weaves 
A crimson thread in leaves.

So Will! Yield! Desire Him alone, 
Mimic terrene,
Illumine all men.
Chosen, devoted here!

Allay the fear!
For greatest song sung
The Son of Man, has won!


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